PAI 897 Lectures

Fall 2023

    As the semester progresses, a link to each lecture will be added to this page. The link will include a summary of the main points from that day’s lecture.

Introduction: Microeconomics and Markets

Lecture #1 — 8/28/2023 — Introduction

How Markets Work: Supply and Demand

Lecture #2 — 8/30/2023 — Introduction to Supply and Demand
Lecture #3 — 9/6/2023 — Supply and Demand Experiment

Supply and Demand Experiment results

Supply and Demand Experiment example from 2019

Applications of Supply and Demand

Lecture #4 — 9/11/2023 — More on Supply and Demand
Lecture #5 — 9/13/2023 — Applications of Supply and Demand
Lecture #6 — 9/18/2023 — Elasticity/Taxes
Lecture #7 — 9/20/2023 — Taxes

Consumer Theory – Preferences and Budgets

Lecture #8 — 9/25/2023 — Consumer Behavior: An Introduction to the Concept of Utility
Lecture #9 — 9/27/2023 — Consumer Behavior: Maximizing Utility
Lecture #10 — 10/2/2023 — Applications of Consumer Theory
Lecture #11 — 10/4/2023 — Case #1: Rice Imports in Pacifica

Producer Theory – Production, Costs, and the Derivation of the Supply Curve

Lecture #12 — 10/11/2023 — Production
Lecture #13 — 10/16/2023 — Costs of Production
10/18/2023 — Quiz #1
Lecture #14 — 10/23/2023 — Profit Maximization
Lecture #15 — 10/25/2023 — Long Run Equilibrium

Putting it All Together – Perfect Competition

Lecture #16 — 10/30/2023 — Perfect Competition and Economic Welfare/Monopolies

Market Failures and the Role of the Government

Lecture #17 — 11/1/2023 — Regulating Monopolies
Lecture #18 — 11/6/2023 — Limits to Government Intervention
Lecture #19 — 11/8/2023 — Case #2: Water Pricing

Lecture #20 — 11/13/2023— Public Goods
11/15/2023 — Quiz #2
Lecture #21 — 11/27/2023 — Externalities
Lecture #22 — 11/29/2023 — Information Market Failures

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Lecture #23 — 12/4/2023 — Cost-Benefit Analysis
Lecture #24 — 12/6/2023 — Cost-Benefit Analysis

Discounting example