
Driesen, David M., and David Popp, 2025. “The Law and Economics of Subsidies,” N.Y.U. Environmental Law Journal, 33(1), 1-37.

Driesen, David M., Michael A. Mehling, and David Popp, 2024. “Industrial policy, populism and the political economy of climate action,” Nature Climate Change, May 2024, 414-416.

Popp, David, Francesco Vona, Myriam Gregoire-Zawilski, and Giovanni Marin, 2024. “The Next Wave of Energy Innovation: Which Technologies? Which Skills? ,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Winter 2024, 18(1), 45-65.

Grégoire-Zawilski, Myriam and David Popp. 2024. “Do Technology Standards Induce Innovation in Environmental Technologies When Coordination is Important? ,” Research Policy, 53(1), 104888.

Greaker, Mads and David Popp. 2023. “Environmental Economics, Regulation, and Innovation,” Chapter 8 in Handbook of Innovation and Regulation, Pontus Braunerhjelm, Martin Andersson, Knut Blind, and Johan E. Eklund, eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 141-162 (also available as NBER Working Paper #30415).

van den Heuvel, Matthias and David Popp. 2023. “The Role of Venture Capital and Governments in Clean Energy: Lessons from the First Cleantech Bubble,” Energy Economics, 124, 106877.

Popp, David and Myriam Grégoire-Zawilski. 2023. “Powering the next wave of green energy innovation,” PLOS Climate 2(1): e0000119.

Popp, David, Jacquelyn Pless, Ivan Haščič and Nick Johnstone. 2022. “Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Energy Sector,” Chapter 4 in The Role of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Economic Growth, A. Chatterji, J. Lerner, S. Stern, and M.J. Andrews, eds. University of Chicago Press, pp. 175-248.

Popp, David, Francesco Vona, Giovanni Marin, and Ziqiao Chen. “The Employment Impact of Green Fiscal Push: Evidence from the American Recovery Act,” Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2021, 1-49.

Grubb, Michael; Paul Drummond, Alexandra Poncia, Will McDowall, David Popp, Sascha Samadi, Cristina Peñasco, Kenneth Gillingham, Sjak Smulders, Matthieu Glachant, Gavin Hassall, Emi Mizuno, Edward Rubin, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Giulia Pavan, “Induced innovation in energy technologies and systems: a review of evidence and potential implications for CO2 mitigation,” Environmental Research Letters 16(4), 043007.

Popp, David, “Promoting Clean Energy Innovation at the State and Local Level,” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, August 2020, 49(2), 360-373.

Chen, Ziqiao, Giovanni Marin, David Popp, and Francesco Vona, “Green Stimulus in a Post‑pandemic Recovery: the Role of Skills for a Resilient Recovery,” Environmental and Resource Economics, August 2020, 76(4), 901-911.

Popp, David, “Environmental Policy and Innovation: A Decade of Research,” International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics: Vol. 13: No. 3-4, pp 265-337.

Vona, Francesco, Giovanni Marin, Davide Consoli, and David Popp, “Environmental Regulation and Green Skills: an empirical exploration,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, October 2018, 5(4), 713-753.

Verdolini, Elena, Francesco Vona, and David Popp, “Bridging the Gap: Do Fast Reacting Fossil Fuel Technologies Facilitate Renewable Energy Diffusion?Energy Policy, May 2018, 116, 242-256.

Hepburn, Cameron, Jacquelyn Pless, and David Popp, “Encouraging Innovation that Protects Environmental Systems: Five Policy Proposals Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Winter 2018, 12(1), 154-169.

Santen, Nidhi R., Mort D. Webster, David Popp, and Ignacio Pérez-Arriaga, “Inter-temporal R&D and Capital Investment Portfolios for the Electricity Industry’s Low Carbon Future,” Energy Journal, 2017, 38(6), 1-24.

Luo, Siping, Mary E. Lovely, and David Popp, “Intellectual Returnees as Drivers of Indigenous Innovation: Evidence from the Chinese Photovoltaic Industry,” World Economy, November 2017, 40(11), 2424-2454.

Popp, David, “From Science to Technology: The Value of Knowledge From Different Energy Research Institutions,” Research Policy, November 2017, 46(9), 1580-1594.

Webster, Mort D., Karen Fisher-Vanden, David Popp, and Nidhi R. Santen, “Should We Give Up After Solyndra? Optimal Technology R&D Portfolios under Uncertainty,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, September 2017, 4(S1), S123-S151.

Dechezleprêtre, Antoine and David Popp, 2017, “Fiscal and Regulatory Instruments for Clean Technology Development in the European Union,” Chapter 6 in Energy Tax and Regulatory Policy in Europe: Reform Priorities, edited by Ian Parry, Karen Pittel, and Herman Vollebergh, MIT Press, pp. 167-213. Earlier version appears as CESifo Working Paper 5361.

Popp, David, “Economic Analysis of Scientific Publications and Implications for Energy Research and Development,” Nature Energy, April 2016, 1(4), 1-8, DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2016.20.

Tang, Tian and David Popp, “The Learning Process and Technological Change in Wind Power: Evidence from China’s CDM Wind ProjectsJournal of Policy Analysis and Management, Winter 2016, 35(1), 195-222.

Popp, David, Climate-Friendly Technological Change for Developing Countries,” in Oxford Handbook of Macroeconomics of Global Warming, edited by Lucas Bernard and Willi Semmler, Oxford University Press, 2015, pp. 321-348. Earlier version appears as “The Role of Technological Change in Green Growth” NBER Working Paper #18506, November 2012 (also appears as World Bank Policy Research Working Paper #6239).

Fisher-Vanden, Karen, David Popp, and Ian Sue Wing, “Introduction to the Special Issue on Climate Adaptation: Improving the connection between empirical research and integrated assessment models,” Energy Economics, November 2014, 46, 495-499 (with Karen Fisher-Vanden and Ian Sue Wing).

Miao, Qing and David Popp, “Necessity as the Mother of Invention: Innovative Responses to Natural Disasters Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, September 2014, 68(2), 280-295.

Popp, David, Nidhi Santen, Karen Fisher-Vanden and Mort Webster, “Technology Variation vs. R&D Uncertainty: What Matters Most for Energy Patent Success?Resource and Energy Economics, November 2013, 35(4), 505-533.

Kim, Jung Eun, David Popp, and Andrew Prag, “The Clean Development Mechanism and Neglected Environmental Technologies,” Energy Policy, April 2013, 55, 165-179.

Fisher-Vanden, Karen, Ian Sue Wing, Elisa Lanzi, and David Popp, “Modeling Climate Change Feedbacks and Adaptation Responses: Recent Approaches and Shortcomings,” Climatic Change, April 2013, 117(3), 481-495.

Popp, David and Richard Newell, “Where Does Energy R&D Come From? Examining Crowding out from energy R&D,” Energy Economics, July 2012, 34(4), 980-991.

Popp, David, Tamara Hafner and Nick Johnstone, “Environmental Policy vs. Public Pressure: Innovation and Diffusion of Alternative Bleaching Technologies in the Pulp Industry,” Research Policy, November 2011, 40(9), 1253-1268.

Popp, David, Ivan Hascic and Neelakshi Medhi, “Technology and the Diffusion of Renewable Energy,” Energy Economics, July 2011, 33(4), 648-662.

Popp, David, “International Technology Transfer for Climate Policy,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Winter 2011, 5(1), 131-152.

Lovely, Mary and David Popp, “Trade, Technology, and the Environment: Does Access to Technology Promote Environmental Regulation,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, January 2011, 61(1), 16-35.

Driesen, David M. and David Popp, “Meaningful Technology Transfer for Climate Disruption,” Journal of International Affairs, 64(1), Fall/Winter 2010, 1-15.

Popp, David, “Innovation and Climate Policy,” Annual Review of Resource Economics, vol. 2, 2010, Gordon C. Rausser, V. Kerry Smith and David Zilberman eds., Annual Reviews, Palo Alto, CA, pp. 275-298.

Popp, David, “Technology Transfer: Alternative Perspective,” Smart Solutions to Climate Change, Bjørn Lomborg ed., Cambridge University Press, 2010, 371-378.

Popp, David, Richard Newell and Adam Jaffe, “Energy, the Environment, and Technological Change,” Handbook of the Economics of Innovation: vol. 2, Bronwyn Hall and Nathan Rosenberg, eds., Academic Press/Elsevier, 2010, 873-937.

Popp, David, “Exploring Links Between Innovation and Diffusion: Adoption of NOX Control Technologies at U.S. Coal-fired Power Plants,” Environmental and Resource Economics, March 2010, 45(3), 319-352.

Johnstone, Nick, Ivan Hascic, and David Popp, “Renewable Energy Policies and Technological Innovation: Evidence Based on Patent Counts,” Environmental and Resource Economics, January 2010, 45(1), 133-155.

Bae, Hyunhoe, Peter Wilcoxen and David Popp, “Information Disclosure Policy: Do States’ Data Processing Efforts Help More than the Information Disclosure Itself?Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Winter 2010, 29(1), 163-182.

Fleishman, Rachel, Rob Alexander, Stuart Bretschneider, and David Popp, “Does Regulation Stimulate Technical Productive Efficiency? The Effect of Air Quality Policies on the Efficiency of U.S. Power Plants,” Energy Policy, November 2009, 37(11), 4574-4582.

Pizer, William A. and David Popp, “Endogenizing Technological Change: Matching Empirical Evidence to Modeling Needs,” Energy Economics, November 2008, 30(6), 2754-2770.

Wu, Yonghong, Stuart Bretschneider and David Popp, “The Effects of Innovation Policies on Private R&D Investment: A Cross-national Empirical Study,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, June 2007, 16(4), 237–253.

Popp, David, “They Don’t Invent Them Like They Used To: An Examination of Energy Patent Citations Over Time,” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 15(8), November 2006, 753-776.

Popp, David, “Innovation in Climate Policy Models: Implementing Lessons from the Economics of R&D,” Energy Economics, 28(5-6), November 2006, 596-609.

Popp, David, “R&D Subsidies and Climate Policy: Is There a ‘Free Lunch’?“, Climatic Change, 77(3-4), August 2006, 311-341.

Popp, David, “Comparison of Climate Policies in the ENTICE-BR Model“, Energy Journal, Special Issue: Endogenous Technological Change and the Economics of Atmospheric Stablilisation, 2006, 163-174.

Köhler, Jonathan, Michael Grubb, David Popp and Ottmar Edenhofer, “The Transition to Endogenous Technical Change in Climate-Economy Models: A Technical Overview to the Innovation Modeling Comparison Project,” Energy Journal, Special Issue: Endogenous Technological Change and the Economics of Atmospheric Stablilisation, 2006, 17-55.

Popp, David, “ENTICE-BR: The Effects of Backstop Technology R&D on Climate Policy Models“, Energy Economics, March 2006, 28(2), 188-222.

Popp, David, “International Innovation and Diffusion of Air Pollution Control Technologies: The Effects of NOX and SO2 Regulation in the US, Japan, and Germany“, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, January 2006, 51(1), 46-71.

Popp, David, “Lessons From Patents: Using Patents to Measure Technological Change: in Environmental Models“, Ecological Economics, August 2005, 54(2-3), 209-226.

Popp, David, “Uncertain R&D and the Porter Hypothesis“, Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy, 4(1), Article 6, 2005.

Dai, Yixin, Stuart Bretschneider and David Popp, “Institutions and Intellectual Property: The Influence of Institutional Forces on University Patenting“, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Summer 2005, 24(3), 579-598.

Popp, David, Ted Juhl and Daniel K.N. Johnson, “Time In Purgatory: Examining the Grant Lag for U.S. Patent Applications“, Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy, 4(1), Article 29, 2004.

Popp, David, “ENTICE: Endogenous Technological Change in the DICE Model of Global Warming“, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, July 2004, 48(1), 742-768.

Popp, David, “Innovation and Energy Prices,” in Encyclopedia of Energy, vol 3, Academic Press/Elsevier, 2004, 451-458.

Popp, David, “Pollution Control Innovations and the Clean Air Act of 1990“, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, Fall 2003, 22(4), 641-660.

Johnson, Daniel K.N. and David Popp, “Forced Out of the Closet: The Impact of the American Inventors Protection Act on the Timing of Patent Disclosure, RAND Journal of Economics, Spring 2003, 34(1), 96-112.

Popp, David, “Induced Innovation and Energy Prices,” American Economic Review, March 2002, 92(1), 160-180.

Popp, David, “Altruism and the Demand for Environmental Quality,” Land Economics, August 2001, 77(3), 339-349.

  • Data appendix to “Altruism and the Demand for Environmental Quality”

Popp, David, “The Effect of New Technology on Energy Consumption,” Resource and Energy Economics, July 2001, 23(3), 215-239.

  • Data appendix to “The Effect of New Technology on Energy Consumption”
  • Results appendix to “The Effect of New Technology on Energy Consumption”

Nordhaus, William D. and David Popp, “What is the Value of Scientific Knowledge? An Application to Global Warming Using the PRICE Model,” The Energy Journal, January 1997, 18(1), 1-45.