Spring 2025
Research Tools
Includes an on-line catalog and links to articles.
SUNY-ESF Moon Library Home Page
SU students have borrowing priviliges at the SUNY-ESF library. They may have some resources that aren’t available at SU.
Public Administration Research Guide
A guide to library resources relevant for research in Public Administration.
Useful web sites for economists. Includes sources of data andinformation on the profession.
Government Resources
Environmental Protection Agency
An excellent source for information on environmental problems.
If you are doing research on energy-related topics, this is an excellent place to look for information.
Energy Information Administration
- A branch of the Department of Energy, this site contains lots of data and information on energy and environmental issues.
U.S. DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE)
- EERE is part of the Department of Energy. It is a reliable source for information on a wide range of alternative energy sources.
A guide to all aspects of energy provided by the Energy Information Administration.
These two government sites are the most useful if you are looking for detailed statistical tables. Be warned, however. Greater detail means it can take longer to find what you are looking for!
- The Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is an excellent source of data and reports on member nations. SU subscribes to most of their data soruces.
International Energy Agency data
- The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an excellent source for global energy data. However, not all of it is freely available.
- The World Bank’s Environment page is a good starting point for research and data on low- and middle-income countries.
United Nations Environment Programme
- A useful link for global environmental information.
The home page for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, which prohibits commercial international trade in a list of endangered species agreed upon by the signatory nations.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- The leading source for information on climate change.
World Trade Organization (WTO)
The website for the World Trade Organization includes a section on environmental disputes (http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/envir_e/envir_e.htm).
Other Useful Sites
- Resources for the Future is a research organization, based in Washington, D.C., that focuses on economic analysis of environmental issues. Their work includes both technical working papers and overviews of important issues written for a general audience. A good source to check for up-to-the-minute research on environmental matters.
- Designed by Dennis M. King, Ph.D, Univ. of Maryland, and Marisa Mazzotta, Ph.D, Univ. of Rhode Island, this site describes the methods economists use to value ecosystems. It is designed to be accessible to non-economists, and includes several real-world examples of the techniques we discuss in class.
Public Administration and International Affairs Homepage
Find out more about your favorite PAIA department.